This is
where key questions about
G15 PMN are answered
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dealt with here, send it to:
srw at avenuege dot com
Please include this phrase in the header:
"A G15 PMN question".
Q: What is G15 PMN?
A: It is a programming language and a way to
organize programs and data on a Personal
Computer, and, from a practical viewpoint,
an ever-growing set of applications for
all sorts of activities involving texts,
numbers, monochrome photos and graphical
images, also databases of such. This personal
computer can be a physical personal computer
which has been designed specificially to
run G15 PMN (as an operating system), or
it can be a virtual personal computer
which is run on top of such as a Microsoft
Windows PC or a PC with a suitable alternative
platform, in particular Linux. But even if
we talk about a 'virtual' personal computer
it is performing flawlessly and fast in
this way, and so it is often practical to
think of it as chiefly a programming
language, where you can run and, if you
like, make applications of various kinds,
games, educational, practical, financial,
technological, and even scientific. (The
word "app" in the context of G15 PMN is
simply an abbreviation for "applicaton"--
short or small, with one or with several
programs, with or without data, or with
just data.)
Q: Why is G15 PMN so green?
A: The idea we have of a Personal Computer
is that it is a clearly limited machine that
can be of great help to human beings in many
ways--but not constructed with an eye to
fully dominate people's lives. The way we
think about a Personal Computer, or a PC,
is that it should help to organize data--
written data, photos, graphics--and it
should be an instrument with which we can
sharpen our minds and have some
stimulating entertainment with as well.
For a Personal Computer to be of value in
human working and living, it should not be
constructed--whether hardware or software--
so as to be addictive {though of course I'm
aware that in many tech businesses, they
are aiming for exactly that--as addictive
as possible machinery, in order to satisfy
a profit motive that has nothing of genuine
ethics and quality motivation in it}.
PCs, then, are devices for graphics--
chiefly images--and text--and for thinking
in terms of making programs. {There are studies
that show that the brain is more active when
subjected to more moderate input; and a
succession of images is a more moderate
input than videos, allowing more personal
imagination to take place--also in between
the showing of each image--a pause which is
reduced to a psychological nothing when a
video is shown at 25 or more images pr sec.}
As we see it, these images should typically
be harmoniously stimulating to the human
brain, mind, soul without imitating reality
so much that there is the constant added
pressure for the mind to sort of where reality
begins and where the personal computer ends.
A PC should be a more limited prospect. The PC
that is limited is easier to control, and it is
easier to feel that one is in charge of one's
own life when the PC isn't programmed with an
aspiration of overtaking people's life. The
lack of sound and the lack of color variation
in the typical definition of the G15 PMN is,
as we see, a great advantage in the long run,
because you will feel a peace when you work
with the G15 PC because you know what it is
all about and where it is and where the rest
of reality is. And the PC has a keyboard and
a mouse pointer device and doesn't utilize
any such thing as camera (unless it is
specifically set up to perform a technical
task such as control a robot).
{In addition, you may look up the references
at the start of the following main page; these
indicate that computer bright green is the
most suitable working-color: here.)
Q: Is not this a rather obscure approach,
which hardly can have any much appeal?
A: It has appeal for those who are very
attentive to the drug-like aspect of the
type of computerized gadgets that has so
overwhelmed Earth. The addictive and drug-like
aspect of such multi-computers have an impact
on the human brain and mind--an impact towards
creating a sluggish type of outlook on life
in general; wholly different from the radiant
and brilliant intelligence stimulated by even
small sessions with the G15 approach to PC.
Q: Is this proven?
A: Nothing scientific is "proven", let's bear
that in mind. At best, we can talk of there
being "some/much evidence in support of such
and such a theory", but this doesn't exclude
support of alternative theories. What I am
saying is that it is seems reasonable and
likely and I know of no fact to contradict
it and many facts and also some studies that
support something along the lines I suggest.
In short, scientifically, I should say: "there
is little evidence as yet due to lack of
research so far". At a suitable time, we will
undertake as objective research as practically
possible and weigh the findings in a balanced
Q: Why are there glimpses of fashion models
and so on during the startup of B9edit editor?
A: Many places in the G15 PMN set of core
applications is there an appeal to the wholeness
of mind by means also of playful glimpses of
healthy anatomy. It is one of the most
important findings, I think, in work psychology
that the brain requires this type of feedback
regularly to function holistically.
Q: Well, is there anything at all that one can
do on G15 PMN that one cannot get done without
G15 PMN?
A: Yes, but the difference makes most sense to
creative people who are wanting some such tool
as a non-multi-media Personal Computer as a
kind of companion in a process going over a
long time and involving much private work. To
such a person, G15 PMN offers a whole different
tone, if that's the word I want. Over a year or
more, the total output of the work of this
creative person can be enhanced in terms of
both quality and efficiency, for a myriad
reasons that have to do with the bold and
coherent design decisions inherent in the
G15 PMN platform and its many apps. Let me also
say something of importance to such a creative
individual: the platform is made to last and
endure and keep on existing, from the very
first elementary instruction put into the
real or virtual G15 CPU and all the way through
the pixels used in its artistic fonts. It is a
platform that is entirely unchanged and stable
throughout its myriad programs--it has a proven
coherence. There is no change of the core. There
are no updates. There are no development fees.
There are no registration processes. There is no
price tag on the language and everything about
the PMN compiler and its apps are all available
in source. There are no complicated principles
behind the scenes for organizing the data--it
is all straight-forward, like a 'stupid' but
lovely machine, lovely because you can depend
on its stability. Every time you switch it on
it behaves exactly identical. Every decade it
is the same, for we will always make sure that
the most available personal computer types can
perform all of G15 PMN--and in a way that is
exactly identical, requiring no re-learning,
no change of program versions, no recompilation
or anything like that. That is to say: every bit
of thing you learn about it this year you can
use throughout your life, nothing less. This was
the plan and its author had enough competence
and background with earlier coding work of
this nature to carry it through to the letter.
In this most important sense of the word
"success", it is a success.
Q: How can I get it?
A: Do you have a PC? If not, get a PC. Be sure
it has Windows or Linux, and that, if it is a
laptop, that you get an inexpensive or expensive
USB keyboard with twelve function keys on it,
and also a USB mouse. (You can use Bluetooth
and so on, but it is part of the approach of
G15 PMN to stick to wires unless it is absolutely
necessary to use radio waves). Be sure that the
PC doesn't have smaller screen than 1024 x 768:
most normal laptops have resolution of 1366 x 768
or a multiple of that again, so it shouldn't be
a problem. Then go into the link to the G15
PMN app page that is at top of this page, and unzip
the package, and figure out how to start the program
inside that package. In the case of the Windows
package, that's a question of running a .bat
file. If that poses any problem for you, there
are tech people all over the place who can
help you start that .bat file and create an
icon on the screen that does it neatly by a
double-click on it.
That should get you going. Then you may want
to fetch another package, perhaps again with
some assistance from these tech guys, in order
to do some extra things with your G15 PMN.
And yes, start with getting a game like
TexasStars. That will teach you how to fetch
and start up any app--they are all similar in
how you start them up, and that's a glorious
way to start, I think.
And good luck!
Q: Why is G15 PMN programming using cards?
A: The human mind groups things, and groups
groups, and groups the groups of the groups.
This is seen again and again in research as
to how the mind handles things. To handle a
card with just a few programming statements
is usually far easier than handling a file
with thousands of them. Then you group the
cards mentally.
Q: Why is G15 PMN programming having a two-
column approach?
A: Well, first of all, why a column? Because
we want pause to look at what you just
instructed the PC to do. Or what somebody
else instructed it to do when that app was
made. This is easier when there is space
on the line. Then, most interesting programming
and certainly G15 PMN uses stacks of data.
These are visually far better dealt with
as columns than rows. It is more intuitive,
you put something on top of something else,
then you pick it off there then that something
else appears again. And why two columns?
But we have two brain-halves, don't we. It
is a dialogue of thought, to program. When
you get used to it, nothing beats it.
Q: Why aren't there objects there?
A: That's a long story dealt with in
several texts around on the platform.
The shortest possible version is that
the set of concepts surrounding
the idea of "object" in programming
is a mess and it doesn't map the world
of real objects or of concepts very
well at all; and that messy map has
very little to do with how a Personal
Computer is constructed. The G15 PMN
programmer is doing something that we
call "first-hand programming", in which
each thing done is specified and if
nothing is specified, nothing is done
and that's that. Everything that can
be done by a socalled "object-oriented
program" can be done better, easier,
faster and more vividly without using
object-orientation at all. Add to that
the fact that in G15 PMN we put a big
premium on relating to the interactor
{note that we don't say "user", which
is a description of a human being
that is affirming a restrictive view}
of the program directly rather than
making "background programs". It fits
the commercial industry very well to
have "objects" in the sense of "floating
background programs" which once in a
while "pop up" with questions that
point in the direction of some payment,
but the programs tend to get better by
the algorithmic approach. In addition,
we have created a strong concept called
"warps", which is a standardization of
the concept of "pointer", which is that
which implicitly is used by objects
Q: Who designed the language?
A: I did (S.R. Weber, alias Aristo Tacoma,
and for half a dozen other aliases--all
public, of course--see links somewhere
else). But it is true that I have many
times coded, recoded, uncoded and messed
up Forth interpreters, besides having
played around with representatives of
every language form there is for too
many years to mention.
Q: Why doesn't the language relate to
the Internet?
A: Internet is fine and great and good
and lovely but it is something different
than the process of relating to real
reality and doing good thinking there.
I call the former "online" and the
latter "realline" (or real line).
G15 PMN isn't as much online as real
line. (But we are working on a physical
form of G15 computers with their own
Q: Can it control robots?
A: Yes, projects are concrete there
but at the moment of writing this we
have some more robot-like constructive
game apps to make before we do a virtual
robot there, that in turn will tell us
how most simply to set up the part of
G15 PMN called "FCM" to serve the robotic
hardware we have got--and then gradually
expand from there. This is done without
trying to do things via that which
big companies and superficial thinkers
and researchers call "AI". G15 PMN is
wedded, deeply, to a noble anti-AI
approach, in which the human mind is
never to be simulated, only stimulated;
and in which robots are to be chunky,
stupid and reliable in their well-defined
tasks in well-defined domains. This is,
seen on a millenia type of perspective
the only form of robots that humanity
ultimately will really accept, for the
other are just grown insects however
cutely they are dressed up. Only
people in denial of their own depths of
awareness, attention and soul can get
enthusiastic about the concept of
"artificial intelligence"--which in any
case is an over-hyped way to describe
what is simply a question of algorithms.
Q: Why should one bother to learn G15
PMN as a proramming language when other
languages give one more control over
gadgets that run the world?
A: What is the point of running the
world if you don't run yourself, your
own mind? See what becomes of the people
who are more friends with Java and Swift
and suchlike than with human beings.
These terrible structures may be very
profitable, and if so, and if that's
the only way you can earn a living, by
all means do so rather than wither; but
don't for a moment imagine that these
horrible structures nurture the wholeness
of your mind.
Q: But G15 PMN does nurture the wholeness
of your mind, when you program it? If so,
A: Why is the flower delicious to look at,
when it is? I can suggest this and that
and fifteen or a hundred aspects that all
work in this direction. The first-handedness
of this programming language--that you are
directly relating to the numbers in it,
rather than handling things in a second-hand
or third-hand way. The elegant, almost
poetic tightness of the core. The
interactivity of the language, that you
can work with the functions, one by one,
on command line, as if they were living
things, rather than having to grapple
with a sort of "negotiating process" with
a vast compiler that is again controlled
by a vast, hierarchical "project management
application". That you are yourself in
charge and have the freedom to change
anything from day 1 and so, by this freedom,
get a sense of responsibility. That only
compact, elegant functions are built into
the core rather than things made on an idea
to satisfy a lot of half-thought conventions.
And that it is done after a great deal of
philosophical work with the varieties of
interpretation of quantum and relativity
physics, by someone not wedded to a
reductionistic take on the human mind.
As I said earlier on, I plan to undertake
more research work, psychological studies
including also some elegant light EEG
studies, with as much "control groups"
and so on that we can contrive, so that
the findings will tell their own tale
to anyone who bothers to read them.
First and foremost, though, I suggest
that you give G15 PMN some time over a
couple of months, then, quietly, over
many days, weigh your personal feelings
and thoughts about it and work it out.
I think you may find that it contributes
to your inner harmony and your efficiency
in a range of areas.
To go to the main G15 PMN app page
click here: